Handmade Low-Tox Candle

Handmade Low-Tox Candle

Dec 04, 2020Renae Redgen

Makes two large candles.


  • 1kg of wax - we used pure soy.
  • 10 drops of your favourite essential oil - we used Twenty8's Romance & Intimacy blend 💖 
  • Hemp candle wicks & buttons - we got ours here.
  • 2 large jars - we got ours here. 


  1. Melt the wax over a double boiler. 
  2. While wax is melting prepare your wicks and stabilise with a clip (as seen in video)
  3. Once completely melted, remove from heat & add your essential oil. 
  4. Pour into the candle holder & allow to cool. 

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